Lorenz, L., Young-Lorenz, J., Korsfur, B.O. and Lie, J.E. (2020),  Application of Lundin’s CSEM Strategy: De-Risking of a Shallow Prospect in the Barents Sea, Extended Abstract accepted for oral presentation at the 82nd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition (October 2021).

Puryear, C., Rasmussen, J., Sánchez, L. Walker, R., Reddig, R., Lorenz, L., and Rodriguez, P. (2016), “Background resistivity predictions from seismic velocities”, Extended Abstract, EAGE Annual Meeting 2016, Vienna, Austria.

Lorenz, L., Pedersen, H.T., and Buonora, M.P. (2013), “First results from a Brazilian mCSEM calibration campaign”, Extended Abstract, SBGf Conference 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Young-Lorenz, J.D. (2013). Portfolio analysis of carbon sequestration technologies and barriers to adoption. Thesis (M.Sc. (Geo)), University of Western Australia, 2013.

Young-Lorenz, J.D. and Lumley, D. (2013), Portfolio analysis of carbon sequestration technologies and barriers to adoption: General methodology and application to geological storage, Energy Procedia, 37, pp. 5063-5079.

Mohamad, S.A., Lorenz, L., Lim T.H., Tan K.W., Chandola, S.K., Saadah, N. and Nazihan, F. (2010), “A practical example why anisotropy matters – A CSEM case study from South East Asia”, Extended Abstract, SEG Annual Meeting 2010, Denver, Colorado, USA.

Lorenz, L., Pedersen, H., Akella, M., Tyagi, A., Sangvai, P., and Bastia, R. (2010), “Interpreting CSEM data in complex resistivity regime”, Extended Abstract, ASEG Conference 2010, Sydney, Australia.    

Lorenz, L., Pedersen, H.,  Akella, M., Tyagi, A., Sangvai, P., and Bastia, R. (2009), “Interpreting SBL data in complex resistivity regime; integration of advanced EM – techniques with existing geophysical exploration data”, Extended Abstract, SEG Annual Meeting 2009, Houston, Texas, USA.